My Story

I always knew I wanted to be a social worker, as helping was and is a large part of who I am.  While in social work school, I worked with battered women and spent time with the LAPD investigating domestic violence calls and assisting women to the hospital when needed.  Working with this population I learned that women often feel they have no way out, so it was important to assist in giving them options and the strength to learn their worth. 

After graduating, I began working at the Independent Adoption Center in Los Angeles and eventually became the West Coast Regional Director.  This role allowed me to work with women who were making the difficult decision to place a child for adoption and help them process grief and loss.  I also worked with adoptive parents to understand the pain a birthparent is experiencing, as well as their own issues of loss if infertility had been an issue.  I helped adoptive parents and birthmother make an adoption plan that would be most beneficial to all. This job afforded me the ability to help achieve beautiful families.

I also am a huge advocate for volunteering in my community.  volunteer in areas which I believe are important.  These volunteer positions include:

  • Local Schools
  • Los Robles Hospital
  • Starlight Foundation
  • Hospice of the Conejo
  • Our House Grief Support
  • Libraries

I want to help women examine options for this next chapter in their lives and let them know they do not stand alone.

A safe environment where its all about YOU!

Jennifer Antzoulatos, LCSW

Offices Located In Westlake Village and Camarillo California

Teletherapy & Skyping Available